When you hear the word “meditation,” what image comes to mind? Lots of people will say something like: a monk on a mountaintop, or someone sitting in lotus position for hours at a time.
Let’s look at some common myths about meditation. Our hope is that, when you have a clearer idea of what mediation can be, you’ll feel more confident about making your practice your own.
In fact, you can sit, stand, lie down, walk, swim, or even paint. It’s less about what you’re doing than it is about how you’re doing it. Do what feels right for you.
For some people, having their eyes closed feels unsafe and can activate a stress response. So, keeping your eyes open with a “soft focus” on a candle or a spot in front of you is totally fine, too.
Nope! Many people find that certain sounds help them to focus their attention. That could be music, ambient soundscapes, or nature sounds. We have all of these for you to try and see what works.
Studies show that just a few minutes a day can have a measurable positive impact on your levels of stress, anxiety, and contentment.
The key to dealing with distraction is to stop fighting it and instead gently redirect yourself back to your meditation.
We believe in a world where everybody has access to the life-changing skills of mindfulness.