After a few days of meditating you will start to feel different, especially if you have been meditating for 7 days in a row. It’s a big change, we know that!
Meditation creates stress resilience, so your nervous system re-regulates faster after a stressful experience.
The deep, slow breathing of meditation calms your heart rate and tells your body it’s okay to relax.
Soothing neurochemicals signal to your body that it’s time to ease into rest.
Deep breathing oxygenates the blood and increases relaxation.
When you’re intentionally letting go and breathing through stress, your muscles aren’t as clenched.
Have you noticed any other changes as a result of your new practice? This is only the beginning, and there are so many more benefits to come.
Why not try our Mindfulness plus+ annual or monthly subscription to continue your mindfulness practice with us and enjoy even more positive changes the more you practice.
We believe in a world where everybody has access to the life-changing skills of mindfulness.