If you’ve tried a couple of meditations by now, you might have noticed your mind is ALL over the place.
This is the point where many people give up, because they assume their distraction means they’re “doing it wrong.”
We want to say right away: you’re not doing it wrong! Distraction is normal. Everyone experiences it, even seasoned meditators.
Focusing on the rhythm of our breathing is the quickest way to redirect your thoughts when distracted.
You don’t have to force yourself to sit with your legs crossed. If lying down or standing is more comfortable, try that. Or if you feel more at ease with your eyes open, do that. Experiment to find what works for you.
You’re not failing. Every time you gently redirect your attention without self-criticism, you’re simply exercising your brain as a muscle to do this. You’re strengthening your attention each time you notice and return.
The key to dealing with distraction is to stop fighting it and instead gently redirect yourself back to your meditation.
We believe in a world where everybody has access to the life-changing skills of mindfulness.