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Meet Our Community

Meet Anne

With mindfulness, I’ve finally learned how to “be the boss” of my anxiety, and it's changed my life.

Welcome to Meet Our Community!

This is a place where we are sharing real-life experiences from community members — both as a way to help you feel connected to people all around the world who are on the mindfulness journey with you, and also so you can see how regular, simple mindfulness practices are helping people deal with challenges, increase happiness, and improve their everyday wellbeing.

We’d love to introduce you to Anne, who wrote to us from Wisconsin, USA. Keep reading to get her full story.

I had no idea where to start

I’ve had anxiety for most of my life, and people have often mentioned meditation as a solution to this — but I had no idea how to go about it.

Trying to be still and “think of nothing” seemed silly, not to mention impossible. However, one of my friends told me that she really liked using, so I thought I’d give it a go.

Noticing a difference right away

After the first couple of days, I was amazed at how much I had learned and how it instantly changed my thinking. After two weeks, I could feel the difference in my thinking and was less anxious. My husband could see the change as well. Life was smoother for both of us. After six months, I can honestly say it has changed my life.

Anxiety doesn’t rule anymore

By practicing mindfulness, I have learned many ways to analyze and redirect my thinking. I am now the “boss of my mind” rather than being at its mercy.

Advice I would give to someone starting out with mindfulness and how to tackle life with mindfulness is:

Don’t try it without!

Share your story

If you want to share your story with the community, we'd love to hear from you!

Start Your Journey

If Anne’s story resonates with you, and you’ve been struggling to deal with anxiety, worry, intrusive thoughts, or the disruptive effects of stress, we’d love to show you how a simple daily mindfulness practice can offer tools that can actually change how your brain responds to automatic negative thoughts.

Inside the app, you’ll find a wide variety of resources, from courses to meditations to mini-practices, that can help calm your body and mind, and help you cultivate a sense of inner strength to carry you through.

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  • Mindful Exercises
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  • 10+ Courses from world-class teachers

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