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Your Soul's Truth

In this session, we’ll learn how to lead our life from a place of inner truth and alignment, as well as how to parse our soul’s truth from the noise of our mind. Choose meditation duration:

Hi, welcome back to Day Four of our Un-challenge. In the last several days, we've explored making more internal space for our experience to arise and to pass without immediately making it right or wrong or having to fix or change it. This becomes the foundation for unwinding a lot of this tension that we've accumulated. And maybe you've already started to experience the relaxation and the ease that can come from that. Today, I want to explore, how do we be in relationship to these experiences that we've made space for when we need to make decisions? Because the reality is, is that we do still need to have preferences.

We need to decide what to do in a situation. And we can't just be allowing everything to arise and then not do anything in relationship to it. So what is the mechanism that allows us to make decisions from a place that is aligned rather than out of alignment? And this is going to be the foundation for our exploration of intuitive guidance. Now, if the idea of intuitive guidance seems a little out there, think of it more as learning to connect, to and surrender to an inner knowing that feels more in alignment with who you perceive yourself to be on a deeper level, rather than just playing out the mind's and the ego's ideas about what you should do. Because the reality is if we really pay attention to what we're doing on a moment to moment basis, most of that is happening on automatic pilot and it's happening from the noise of our mind telling us what to do next or emotions that create, that are reactions to what's arising and it pushes us into another moment.

And if we really look at where that is all coming from, most of it's not really ours on a deep level. You know, the thoughts are our parents' thoughts or culture's thoughts, or the media's thoughts. And maybe even the responses that we're feeling are based on old experiences or past traumas. And so there's a certain maturity in decision-making that arises when we begin to parse what is the mind's conditioning from what we could say is the soul's truth, or just a deeper knowing. There's a quote by Robert Adams that I really like where he says, "There's something within you that knows what to do.

Surrender your mind, your thoughts, your ego to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine." I remember when I first heard that I was like, "Ah, there's something about that that feels really nice and promising. But also, what the heck does it mean? And how do I even begin to listen to that? That can just seem like a nice idea, but it's like, how do we actually live in alignment with that? That's been a big part of my personal growth exploration over recent years. And one of the things that I've seen is that the mind's ideas tend to have a qualitatively different experience to them than our deeper knowing.

They tend to have a little bit more contraction. They tend to be a little noisier. They have a particular buzz to them. They can create exhilaration, excitement, but they also have some anxiety to them, a little bit of fear. And so when we're operating from the mind's ideas, it's a bit more of a roller coaster.

When we connect to this inner knowing that Robert Adams is pointing to, the current that knows the way, it seems to be that the experience of that is that it's actually quieter. There's an ease there. It's not trying to convince you of anything. It has the resonance of, "this is what's happening next, would you like to come along?" And what I found is that we have a lot of ways to defend against that. The mind and the ego comes in and says, like, "We can't do that.

Like, what would be the consequences of actually following that? I'm scared of that." And if we really look at it, most of that is just based on our old ideas and all the ways that mind and ego self we're trying to control the situation and keep us safe and protected. However, we've also seen how that can actually cause a lot of stress for us. And especially when it comes to making big decisions, we can get caught in these cycles of pro conning everything out on an Excel spreadsheet and really wrestling with it and asking all of our friends, what should I do? What if there was actually a simpler way to connect to what was right for you in this moment? That's what we're going to explore in today's meditation. We're going to explore how to connect to that place within you that's actually more still, more quiet and is just arising as this is what's next. We could say it's the soul's communication.

We could say it's the deeper you that is communicating, your higher self. But when you taste it, when you actually start to touch into it, there is a feeling of, oh yeah. There is a voice that is uniquely mine. And when I align with it, something in me feels more whole and fulfilled. So I'm excited to dive into that with you today.

You're doing great so far. We're four days into this challenge. Thanks for continuing on the journey. We're a little over halfway there, so let's keep going. And for now, let's settle into today's meditation.

Cory Muscara


Your Soul's Truth

In this session, we’ll learn how to lead our life from a place of inner truth and alignment, as well as how to parse our soul’s truth from the noise of our mind. Choose meditation duration:


Your default time is based on your progress and is changed automatically as you practice.

Hi, welcome back to Day Four of our Un-challenge. In the last several days, we've explored making more internal space for our experience to arise and to pass without immediately making it right or wrong or having to fix or change it. This becomes the foundation for unwinding a lot of this tension that we've accumulated. And maybe you've already started to experience the relaxation and the ease that can come from that. Today, I want to explore, how do we be in relationship to these experiences that we've made space for when we need to make decisions? Because the reality is, is that we do still need to have preferences.

We need to decide what to do in a situation. And we can't just be allowing everything to arise and then not do anything in relationship to it. So what is the mechanism that allows us to make decisions from a place that is aligned rather than out of alignment? And this is going to be the foundation for our exploration of intuitive guidance. Now, if the idea of intuitive guidance seems a little out there, think of it more as learning to connect, to and surrender to an inner knowing that feels more in alignment with who you perceive yourself to be on a deeper level, rather than just playing out the mind's and the ego's ideas about what you should do. Because the reality is if we really pay attention to what we're doing on a moment to moment basis, most of that is happening on automatic pilot and it's happening from the noise of our mind telling us what to do next or emotions that create, that are reactions to what's arising and it pushes us into another moment.

And if we really look at where that is all coming from, most of it's not really ours on a deep level. You know, the thoughts are our parents' thoughts or culture's thoughts, or the media's thoughts. And maybe even the responses that we're feeling are based on old experiences or past traumas. And so there's a certain maturity in decision-making that arises when we begin to parse what is the mind's conditioning from what we could say is the soul's truth, or just a deeper knowing. There's a quote by Robert Adams that I really like where he says, "There's something within you that knows what to do.

Surrender your mind, your thoughts, your ego to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine." I remember when I first heard that I was like, "Ah, there's something about that that feels really nice and promising. But also, what the heck does it mean? And how do I even begin to listen to that? That can just seem like a nice idea, but it's like, how do we actually live in alignment with that? That's been a big part of my personal growth exploration over recent years. And one of the things that I've seen is that the mind's ideas tend to have a qualitatively different experience to them than our deeper knowing.

They tend to have a little bit more contraction. They tend to be a little noisier. They have a particular buzz to them. They can create exhilaration, excitement, but they also have some anxiety to them, a little bit of fear. And so when we're operating from the mind's ideas, it's a bit more of a roller coaster.

When we connect to this inner knowing that Robert Adams is pointing to, the current that knows the way, it seems to be that the experience of that is that it's actually quieter. There's an ease there. It's not trying to convince you of anything. It has the resonance of, "this is what's happening next, would you like to come along?" And what I found is that we have a lot of ways to defend against that. The mind and the ego comes in and says, like, "We can't do that.

Like, what would be the consequences of actually following that? I'm scared of that." And if we really look at it, most of that is just based on our old ideas and all the ways that mind and ego self we're trying to control the situation and keep us safe and protected. However, we've also seen how that can actually cause a lot of stress for us. And especially when it comes to making big decisions, we can get caught in these cycles of pro conning everything out on an Excel spreadsheet and really wrestling with it and asking all of our friends, what should I do? What if there was actually a simpler way to connect to what was right for you in this moment? That's what we're going to explore in today's meditation. We're going to explore how to connect to that place within you that's actually more still, more quiet and is just arising as this is what's next. We could say it's the soul's communication.

We could say it's the deeper you that is communicating, your higher self. But when you taste it, when you actually start to touch into it, there is a feeling of, oh yeah. There is a voice that is uniquely mine. And when I align with it, something in me feels more whole and fulfilled. So I'm excited to dive into that with you today.

You're doing great so far. We're four days into this challenge. Thanks for continuing on the journey. We're a little over halfway there, so let's keep going. And for now, let's settle into today's meditation.

Cory Muscara



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