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How to Meditate: Meditation 101 for Beginners
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation
What is Meditation?
How to Meditate: Meditation 101 for Beginners
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation
What is Meditation?
Benefits of Mindfulness: Mindful Living Can Change Your Life
Mindfulness 101: A Beginner's Guide
Release limiting beliefs and connect with the innate good in life.
Now more than ever before, the world feels more difficult to face on a daily basis. In many ways, it makes ‘turning off’ from those around us—or the feelings deep inside us—the safest way to exist. But what if what we needed was, in fact, the exact opposite?
It is when we stop resisting others and ourselves that we are able to tap into the boundless awareness of peace, connection, and love. Tara Brach’s masterclass illuminates the pathway to getting started.
From timeless Buddhist wisdom to techniques adapted to the specific challenges of our modern age, Tara Brach’s Trusting the Gold Masterclass is instrumental in helping you to free yourself from subconscious mistrust and judgment towards those around you and yourself.
This recognition of our essential human goodness may be the most radical act of healing we can take.
Join Tara as she guides you through a practice to experience the body as a field of sensation and to acknowledge and sit with whatever you’re feeling in the moment.
We may feel unworthy and unlovable but the shift from believing limiting beliefs about ourselves or others to trusting the gold is the shift to freedom and true happiness. Can you trust it?
Explore a powerful RAIN meditation with Tara as she gently encourages you to Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture the wounded places deep inside with self-compassion and love.
Our negativity bias keeps us from seeing the good in ourselves and others, but what if we could counter it? By looking towards goodness and love, you can retrain your brain pathways to trust the gold.
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Tara Brach, PhD has been practicing and teaching meditation since 1975, as well as leading workshops and meditation retreats at centers throughout North America and Europe. She has a PhD in clinical psychology, is the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW), and is the author of Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, and Radical Compassion.
Even in the midst of our deepest emotional suffering, self-compassion is the pathway that will carry us home.
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