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Mountain Sleep Journey

Whisk yourself off to a mountain dreamland and relax your mind on this visual journey into deep sleep.

Welcome to this sleep journey where I will be gently leading you through a guided imagery meditation to help you fall asleep. Begin by settling into bed and making yourself comfortable and cozy. Allow your eyes to close and relax on this visual journey into deep sleep. Let's begin. You start your journey in a sun warmed field ready to take on the day ahead.

You begin walking towards the mountains eager to see what other wonders they have in store for you. The journey through the fields is the perfect way to start your day. The grass is swaying and soft. And it smells of late summer. Around you bees happily buzz among wild flowers and birds sing and glide high above you in the blue sky.

You have a feeling that this is going to be a wonderful adventure. As you near the base of the mountain trail, the grass rustles underfoot. The sun is shining bright and warm. The sky is a deep blue and a gentle breeze carries the mingled scents of earth, flowers, and a hint of the cool mountain above. The path ahead is winding and narrow, but it is well trodden and you feel confident in your footing.

The trees on either side of the path form a natural canopy providing shade and shelter. Birds sing in the branches and the leaves rustle in the breeze. You can feel the easy rhythm of walking and how your own body feels in tune with everything around you. As you walk, you start to notice other things around you as well. The tiny flowers that line the path, both delicate and resilient.

The different kinds of birds and insects. The fluttering leaves. And the sun shining through the trees. The more you pay attention to these small details, the more you realize how connected everything is and how everything is working together to create this sense of awe, connection and beauty. You come across a small stream.

The sound is so soothing that you can't help but stop and sit for a moment. The water is crystal clear and you can see the rocks and pebbles gleaming at the bottom. The sun dances in mesmerizing sparkles on the stream's surface. You take a deep breath and the fresh mountain air fills your lungs, invigorating you and making you feel alive. You cup your hands and dip them into the icy fresh water, splashing your face, and then taking a deep drink.

You stand and stretch, turning back to the trail that winds its way beyond where you can see. Midway to your destination, the path curves around the top of a hill and you come across a beautiful meadow. The grass is so green and lush. It hardly seems real. The wildflowers are in full bloom.

A beautiful speckling contrast of pink, purple, and gold against the green of the grass. Feathery white clouds drift across the backdrop of the deep blue sky. You take a moment to take in your surroundings. The true scale of these natural wonders is breathtaking. From this spot in the high meadow, the surrounding mountains are covered in a patchwork of greens, browns, and grays.

Each color telling its own story, providing a rugged and wild beauty. As you look up at the peaks, you can see some birds flying high in the sky. They are circling, gliding on the thermals. They're wings outstretched as they soar. You watch them skimming the sky and can feel their freedom and exhilaration.

You notice the different hues and shades of the mountains. The way the sunlight filters through the clouds and casts drifting shadows on the rocky surfaces. The clouds draped gently around the far peaks, dreamy and ethereal. You can see the different layers of rock, the way the different minerals have formed and created the different colors and patterns. Heading back on the path, you come across a small waterfall, cascading down the mountainside.

As you pass, a fine mist from the falling water gently rests along your face and arms. In the warm sun, the smell of pine wraps itself gently around you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can feel your heartbeat slowing down, and your mind becomes quiet. Your legs feel tired, but in a good way.

They've done good work and you feel a sense of gratitude to your body for all the ways it has helped you experience this day. Finally, you reach the summit and the view takes your breath away. The world spreads out before you, a panorama of natural beauty. The peaks echo as far as the eye can see. The shapes getting softer as they blur in the distance.

The sky is a deep blue and the sun is shining, bright and warm. You can see for miles and miles, the horizon stretching out before you. You take a moment to sit down and take it all in. Peeling your backpack from your shoulders, there's a lightness now in your chest. A sense of letting go of all the day's worries, a sense of total freedom.

You reflect on the journey, the challenges you faced and the sense of accomplishment you feel. The climb was not easy, but it was worth it for this moment of pure beauty. From your backpack, you pull a crisp red apple. You bite into it. It's tang and sweetness filling your mouth.

You take a deep drink from your canteen. Enjoying the feeling of the cool water, quenching your thirst and reviving your energy. You sit in stillness, just taking in the sights, smells, sounds, and sensations around you. You feel enveloped by this quiet beauty, and you lose track of time completely simply enjoying this moment. After a while, 20 minutes or 30 or an hour, you notice the sun moving towards the west and you feel ready to find a place to rest.

You rise, stretch your arms and legs and pull your backpack on again. You make your way back to the high meadow as the honey warm, golden hour descends and everything feels like it's glowing, even you. When you reach the meadow, you find a spot off the trail where the grass is soft and the smell of nearby pine trees drifts in and out. You pull a blanket and a hat out from your pack and lean back on the grass. The ground beneath you is soft and spongy cushioning your body as you relax.

The late afternoon sun warms your skin. Through your closed eyes, the light lends everything a soft, golden glow. You can feel the tension of the day melting away as you become one with the earth. The smell of wild flowers fills the air. Their sweet and heady scent swirling around you.

The gentle breeze rustles the grass and the leaves of the nearby trees, creating a soothing sound, like your own breathing. You can hear the distant murmur of a stream somewhere. The sounds are like a lullaby, gently rocking you into a state of complete relaxation. The sun begins to slowly sink in the sky, casting a last rosy glow over the land. The colors of the sky are changing from deep oranges to purples, pinks, and reds, painting the sky with a beautiful sunset.

You can feel the air cooling around you as the sun dips below the horizon. The sky darkens and stars start to appear one by one, like tiny glimmering diamond chips scattered across an indigo canvas. The moon slowly rises casting a soft, silver light over the meadow as it ascends. You feel like you are the only person in the world, but inside this serene solitude, you don't feel lonely but comforted and cared for. The stars are so bright and clear that it feels like you could reach up and touch them.

As you lie there, you can feel the weight of the day lifting off your shoulders, replaced by a sense of tranquility. The world around you fades away and all that's left is the beauty of nature. Your breathing and your heartbeat slow down, becoming one with the rhythm of the earth. You let yourself drift off into a deep and restful sleep, cozy under your warm blanket, feeling safe and secure in the embrace of nature.



Mountain Sleep Journey

Whisk yourself off to a mountain dreamland and relax your mind on this visual journey into deep sleep.


Your default time is based on your progress and is changed automatically as you practice.

Welcome to this sleep journey where I will be gently leading you through a guided imagery meditation to help you fall asleep. Begin by settling into bed and making yourself comfortable and cozy. Allow your eyes to close and relax on this visual journey into deep sleep. Let's begin. You start your journey in a sun warmed field ready to take on the day ahead.

You begin walking towards the mountains eager to see what other wonders they have in store for you. The journey through the fields is the perfect way to start your day. The grass is swaying and soft. And it smells of late summer. Around you bees happily buzz among wild flowers and birds sing and glide high above you in the blue sky.

You have a feeling that this is going to be a wonderful adventure. As you near the base of the mountain trail, the grass rustles underfoot. The sun is shining bright and warm. The sky is a deep blue and a gentle breeze carries the mingled scents of earth, flowers, and a hint of the cool mountain above. The path ahead is winding and narrow, but it is well trodden and you feel confident in your footing.

The trees on either side of the path form a natural canopy providing shade and shelter. Birds sing in the branches and the leaves rustle in the breeze. You can feel the easy rhythm of walking and how your own body feels in tune with everything around you. As you walk, you start to notice other things around you as well. The tiny flowers that line the path, both delicate and resilient.

The different kinds of birds and insects. The fluttering leaves. And the sun shining through the trees. The more you pay attention to these small details, the more you realize how connected everything is and how everything is working together to create this sense of awe, connection and beauty. You come across a small stream.

The sound is so soothing that you can't help but stop and sit for a moment. The water is crystal clear and you can see the rocks and pebbles gleaming at the bottom. The sun dances in mesmerizing sparkles on the stream's surface. You take a deep breath and the fresh mountain air fills your lungs, invigorating you and making you feel alive. You cup your hands and dip them into the icy fresh water, splashing your face, and then taking a deep drink.

You stand and stretch, turning back to the trail that winds its way beyond where you can see. Midway to your destination, the path curves around the top of a hill and you come across a beautiful meadow. The grass is so green and lush. It hardly seems real. The wildflowers are in full bloom.

A beautiful speckling contrast of pink, purple, and gold against the green of the grass. Feathery white clouds drift across the backdrop of the deep blue sky. You take a moment to take in your surroundings. The true scale of these natural wonders is breathtaking. From this spot in the high meadow, the surrounding mountains are covered in a patchwork of greens, browns, and grays.

Each color telling its own story, providing a rugged and wild beauty. As you look up at the peaks, you can see some birds flying high in the sky. They are circling, gliding on the thermals. They're wings outstretched as they soar. You watch them skimming the sky and can feel their freedom and exhilaration.

You notice the different hues and shades of the mountains. The way the sunlight filters through the clouds and casts drifting shadows on the rocky surfaces. The clouds draped gently around the far peaks, dreamy and ethereal. You can see the different layers of rock, the way the different minerals have formed and created the different colors and patterns. Heading back on the path, you come across a small waterfall, cascading down the mountainside.

As you pass, a fine mist from the falling water gently rests along your face and arms. In the warm sun, the smell of pine wraps itself gently around you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can feel your heartbeat slowing down, and your mind becomes quiet. Your legs feel tired, but in a good way.

They've done good work and you feel a sense of gratitude to your body for all the ways it has helped you experience this day. Finally, you reach the summit and the view takes your breath away. The world spreads out before you, a panorama of natural beauty. The peaks echo as far as the eye can see. The shapes getting softer as they blur in the distance.

The sky is a deep blue and the sun is shining, bright and warm. You can see for miles and miles, the horizon stretching out before you. You take a moment to sit down and take it all in. Peeling your backpack from your shoulders, there's a lightness now in your chest. A sense of letting go of all the day's worries, a sense of total freedom.

You reflect on the journey, the challenges you faced and the sense of accomplishment you feel. The climb was not easy, but it was worth it for this moment of pure beauty. From your backpack, you pull a crisp red apple. You bite into it. It's tang and sweetness filling your mouth.

You take a deep drink from your canteen. Enjoying the feeling of the cool water, quenching your thirst and reviving your energy. You sit in stillness, just taking in the sights, smells, sounds, and sensations around you. You feel enveloped by this quiet beauty, and you lose track of time completely simply enjoying this moment. After a while, 20 minutes or 30 or an hour, you notice the sun moving towards the west and you feel ready to find a place to rest.

You rise, stretch your arms and legs and pull your backpack on again. You make your way back to the high meadow as the honey warm, golden hour descends and everything feels like it's glowing, even you. When you reach the meadow, you find a spot off the trail where the grass is soft and the smell of nearby pine trees drifts in and out. You pull a blanket and a hat out from your pack and lean back on the grass. The ground beneath you is soft and spongy cushioning your body as you relax.

The late afternoon sun warms your skin. Through your closed eyes, the light lends everything a soft, golden glow. You can feel the tension of the day melting away as you become one with the earth. The smell of wild flowers fills the air. Their sweet and heady scent swirling around you.

The gentle breeze rustles the grass and the leaves of the nearby trees, creating a soothing sound, like your own breathing. You can hear the distant murmur of a stream somewhere. The sounds are like a lullaby, gently rocking you into a state of complete relaxation. The sun begins to slowly sink in the sky, casting a last rosy glow over the land. The colors of the sky are changing from deep oranges to purples, pinks, and reds, painting the sky with a beautiful sunset.

You can feel the air cooling around you as the sun dips below the horizon. The sky darkens and stars start to appear one by one, like tiny glimmering diamond chips scattered across an indigo canvas. The moon slowly rises casting a soft, silver light over the meadow as it ascends. You feel like you are the only person in the world, but inside this serene solitude, you don't feel lonely but comforted and cared for. The stars are so bright and clear that it feels like you could reach up and touch them.

As you lie there, you can feel the weight of the day lifting off your shoulders, replaced by a sense of tranquility. The world around you fades away and all that's left is the beauty of nature. Your breathing and your heartbeat slow down, becoming one with the rhythm of the earth. You let yourself drift off into a deep and restful sleep, cozy under your warm blanket, feeling safe and secure in the embrace of nature.




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